
Photo tips. Behind-the-scenes of Broadway and beyond.

Top 5 Photo Shoot Tips For Actors

Top 5 Photo Shoot Tips For Actors


It’s normal to hate having your photo taken.  Standing awkwardly in a room trying to create marketing materials?  Not usually the top of a “dream day” list.  Yet here at MurphyMade we firmly believe the process should be as fun and relaxed as possible.  After all, if it’s not a fun room to be in, there’s no way the photos are going to portray you in your best light. 

9/10 people walk into the room with at least a little hesitation at spending a few hours in front of the lens.  But a little prep work beforehand can slice right through that hesitation and make your photo shoot something to get excited about. 

Here are my top five tips for photo shoot prep, whether it’s your first shoot or your fiftieth:


There’s research to be done at each stage of the photo shoot process.  First off, and most importantly, make sure you are working with the right photographer.  Not every person with a camera is a perfect fit for your needs, so look through their site and social media channels to ensure they are consistently delivering the types of images you want.  Just because they took a good picture of your friend doesn’t mean they are the right fit for you.  If they have specific photos that fit your goals, feel free to point those out before your shoot to get everyone on the same page. 


For first time clients, I always have them fill out a little worksheet so I can get to know more about them; it outlines everything from choosing colors that make you feel powerful, to listing dream roles. And while it’s a helpful tool for me and my team, I find it most helpful for my client.  It asks them to simply put into writing what their goals are and take the ambiguous idea of “get great photos” into an actual template for photographic success.  Even better, it doesn’t take more than 10 minutes to complete, but it can extend the usage life of photos for years.  


Music is an invaluable tool for setting the mood in any situation, and a photo shoot is no exception.  My first suggestion for any potential client is to think through the type of images they are trying to create and to assign music to those particular moods.  Is it all bright and sunny imagery?  Then a pop playlist might do the trick for the entire session.  Or are you trying to show two sides of yourself?  One bright and one darker.  Just as lighting helps tell the story to the image’s viewer, music will help you jump through the page or screen by creating different shades to your emotions.  Sit down the week before your shoot and create a playlist tailored exactly to your goals.  We’ve even had clients put on specific songs their characters would sing or listen to to really get into different mindsets.


You are an equal participant in the process, so treat the entire experience like a conversation with your photographer.  Unsure of what to do before or during the shoot?  Ask questions.  From the moment a client walks into the room I look at our time as a very informal hangout where we are getting to know each other.  I ask questions constantly to gather little bits of information that I can call back to as we shoot to evoke a certain emotion.  There are no stupid questions on photo shoots.  Be as open to the experience as possible and maintain your curiosity throughout. 


One of the absolute best ways to get unexpected, exciting results is to play around.  Don’t be afraid to try something and fail.  Sometimes the things that feel the strangest actually make the most thrilling photos because there’s an air of freedom that can’t be accomplished with calculation.  A favorite example of this is Coco Rocha’s YouTube shoot where we watch her make small adjustments to poses without overthinking them.  Of course she’s a professional model at the top of her field, but I think we can all learn something from her sense of abandon. 

Follow these five steps and you’re well on your way to having a successful photo shoot. When you walk out the door you might even think “Wow, I didn’t know having my photo taken could be this fun.”


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