
Photo tips. Behind-the-scenes of Broadway and beyond.

Blog 2.0

Blog 2.0

Whenever people ask me how I got into photography I credit one particular part of my life: my blog.  About 15 years ago, when I was a dancer with American Ballet Theatre, I started a blog called Ranting Details.  What began as a way to document my travels for friends and family quickly took on a life of its own as ballet fans stopped by to see an intimate look at some of the world’s brightest ballet stars. 

I took a Panasonic point-and-shoot with me on every tour and on every social outing to create content for the blog. This was, after all, the days before the smartphone, when documentation wasn’t ubiquitous.  Without knowing it I was planting the seed for my future career. 

When illness sidelined me at the age of 22 I decided to spend my last bits of savings and order a “real” camera from Amazon.  The Canon 30D arrived on my doorstep and I never looked back.  Suddenly the blog became a virtual gallery of trial and errors (lots and lots of errors).  I loved the creative freedom a camera allowed me.

Before I knew it I was transitioning careers and following a path that would lead me to Broadway and beyond.  Now, I’m thrilled to come back to blogging.  I’m a lot grayer than I was and have since moved up the camera food chain to Canon 5D Mark IVs and Sony A9s, but I’m still excited to share a little slice of my world.  So here we go….blog 2.0. 

Phantom of the Opera BTS

Phantom of the Opera BTS